Backyard Birds
 American Crow
American Goldfinch  American Goldfinch
American Kestrel  American Kestrel
American Robin  American Robin
Barn Swallow  Barn Swallow
Black-Billed Magpie  Black-billed Magpie
Canadian Geese  Canadian Geese
California Quail  California Quail
Common Redpoll  Common Redpoll
Dark-Eyed Junco  Dark-eyed Junco
European Starling  European Starling
Great Blue Heron  Great Blue Heron
Hawk (Unidentified)  Hawk (Unidentified)
House Finch  House Finch
House Sparrow  House Sparrow
Killdeer  Killdeer
Mallard Duck  Mallard Duck
Mourning Dove  Mourning Dove
Northern Flicker  Northern Flicker
Pine Siskin  Pine Siskin
Red-Tailed Hawk  Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-necked Pheasant  Ring-necked Pheasant
Red-Winged Blackbird  Red-winged Blackbird
Sandhill Crane  Sandhill Crane
Swainson's Hawk  Swainson's Hawk
Western Kingbird  Western Kingbird
Western Meadowlark  Western Meadowlark
Backyard Birds Home Page

Wesley's Backyard Birds
Barn Swallow

Barn Swallows hang out around the barn behind our house and will land on the wires above are fence regularly.

A familiar inhabitant of barns and other outbuildings, the Barn Swallow is easily recognized by its long forked tail. It was originally a cave breeder, but now the swallow nests almost exclusively on man-made structures. The Barn Swallow is the most abundant and widely distributed swallow species in the world. It breeds throughout the northern hemisphere and winters in much of the southern hemisphere. Female Barn Swallows favor males that have a darker reddish chest color and longer tails.
Barn Swallow